Dena Mekawi moderating at the International Day Of Peace 2016, along with Leonardo Dicaprio, Michael Douglas, Stevie Wonder, and former Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki Moon.

How the SDG’s inspired transformation in the fashion industry. Style & Resilience along with the United Nations DPI, executive committee organized the first sustainable fashion event at the United Nations Headquarters, November 16, 2017.

Engaging fashion to the 17 United Nations sustainable Development Goals.
Did you know, the fashion industry’s CO2 emissions are projected to increase by more than 60% to nearly 2.8 billion tons per year by 2030- the equivalent of emissions produced by nearly 230 million passenger vehicles driven for a year.
#rolemodel4fashion. Also, over 50% of workers are not paid the minimum wage in countries like India or Philippines.
What if someone told you it takes 2,700 liters of water to grow enough cotton for one T-shirt, an amount equal to one person’s drinking water for 900 days?
This was just one of the statistics about the fashion industry’s social and environmental effects shared at the United Nations Department of Public Information/Non-Governmental Organizations briefing, “Fashion and Sustainability: Look Good, Feel Good, Do Good: Using Fashion as a Vehicle for Change.”
Recently, Dena has been working with Health Corps, a non- profit founded by Dr. Oz, giving teens the tools to improve mental resilience, and physical health.

American professional soccer player, Jozy Altidore with Dena Mekawi. With Dena's extensive background, Jozy Altidore and Dena Mekawi worked together on ways to have Jozy more involved with Women's issues.